3 ways that acupuncture can help improve our mental health

3 ways that acupuncture can help improve our mental health

From depression to anxiety and general bouts of stress, mental health issues are increasingly becoming more common. In fact, one in five Australians aged between 16-85 will experience a mental illness in any given year. 

Unlike a physical injury, many people tend to let their mental health go without help. However, it’s important to recognise that improving our mental health involves a little TLC and assistance, and acupuncture can be a great way to help activate the body’s natural healing process and improve your overall sense of health and wellbeing. 

Here are some of the ways in which acupuncture can help us improve our mental health.

1.Balance nervous system

Put simply, acupuncture can help put your nervous system back in balance. Not sure what the nervous system is? It’s a system in your body that controls everything from the way you move, to how you think and feel. By tapping into the nervous system with acupuncture, it can help the system adapt to stress and re-educate itself to operate in a more optimal way.

2. Relieve symptoms

Mental health issues can often manifest themselves as physical symptoms in addition to emotional ones. As the acupuncture needles can tap into the nervous system, your practitioner can signal the brain to direct blood flow to the affected area of your body, relieving common symptoms such as tension headaches, and the inability to maintain a healthy weight. 

3. Improve general wellbeing

Acupuncture can also improve your general wellbeing in ways such as increasing your quality of sleep, and balancing out your mood. But how does it do all of this? In technical terms it can stimulate the production of neurotransmitters as well as develop the production of dopamine, serotonin and so much more. 

To find out more about how acupuncture can improve your mental health or to make an appointment, please contact us today.  

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Can Chinese medicine help to heal the gallbladder?

Can Chinese medicine help to heal the gallbladder?

As anyone who has experienced them will attest to, gallstones can be highly uncomfortable and in some cases can even lead to intense pain. While 70% of those with gallstones won’t feel any symptoms at all, those who do may experience nausea, vomiting, dark urine, stomach pain, burping, diarrhea and indigestion.

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are stone-like deposits of digestive fluid and calcium salts that form when there is too much cholesterol or bilirubin in the bile stored in the gallbladder. Depending on the cause, the gallstones can either be a yellow or dark brown colour.

What causes gallstones?

While the root cause of gallstones remains unconfirmed, it is widely believed that a number of lifestyle factors contribute to the bile imbalances that can lead to gallstones. These factors include being overweight, consuming a high fat diet, rapid weight loss and having diabetes mellitus.

How can Chinese medicine help?

While many who suffer from gallstones turn to invasive surgeries for treatment, there are actually quite a number of simple Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment options that can greatly reduce the effects of gallstones.

According to TCM principles, the gallbladder is closely linked with the liver, and is regulated by the liver qi. By supporting the liver with a healthy diet and eliminating greasy, fatty, rich or spicy foods, the liver is able to operate much more efficiently, and thereby so can the gallbladder.

Further to this, your TCM practitioner can prescribe you with a personalised combination of Chinese herbs and a tailored acupuncture treatment plan to help minimise the effects of gallstones and restore your overall sense of health and wellbeing.

Say no to surgery and opt for a more natural gallstones treatment method that people all over the world have followed with success for thousands of years. Contact Luciferous Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Melbourne today.

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